The hilarious adventures of a Seagull and a Lugworm

Ollie & Quentin is a buddy comic about the unlikely friendship between a seagull called Ollie and a lugworm called Quentin who are best friends despite the obvious food chain disparity that suggests Ollie may prefer Quentin as a snack rather than a friend.

They live in the seaside town of Bigley Bay with Nobby, an affable single guy who acts as both foil and witness to their daft adventures.

Ollie & Quentin was distributed worldwide by King Features Syndicate, New York.

OLLIE & QUENTIN is my kind of comic strip. It’s beautiful and funny and subtle and quirky. The world is so charmingly realized, and so elegantly presented. The refinement of it all makes the zaniness that much more rewarding – there’s a wonderful dichotomy to the gentle look and feel combined with the unapologetic humor that I just love. Piers is a special cartoonist – more people should know that, and dive into his world and enjoy some stellar comics.
— Brendan Burford. Editor King Features Syndicate